Another step towards Mega Project
Clock is ticking, and the time to present the Mega Project for Amal Academy is not very far.
Our Idea
Our idea was to create awareness about transgender rights and provide them with basic skills that can make them financially stable. So, that they won’t have to do things they are not comfortable with.
It’s been two weeks and our team efforts are paying back, as we were able to achieve more.
Accomplished tasks
As we decided to work in collaboration with a society of UAF that is providing cooking, beautician, designing and many other courses. We asked them to provide these basic skills to transgenders as well. This week we submitted an official application to the department. After further proceedings we were able to get a positive response from them and now we are working on enrollment of trans people in the department.
Another achievement is that we were able to Collaborate with Sathi foundation that is an organization working for the welfare of trans people. Our team members went for a meeting with the organization’s management and received a positive response from them.
About Sathi foundation
SATHI FOUNDATION is a transgender led organization and holds the working experience of eighteen years in the field of HIV/AIDS prevention among MSM and transgender community. Founded in 2005, Sathi Foundation started to mobilize the Transgender community through spreading awareness about HIV/AIDS.
We are also working on our social media platforms and spreading awareness.
We faced many problems last week when we were unable to convince trans people for working with us. We decided to overcome this problem by further communicating with them. We provided them links to Amal Academy’s website. Hence they were able to trust us and gave us a positive response.
Hopefully we will be able to meet our expected goals this week. In Sha Allah.
We experienced many things and came over many lessons, but one thing which strikes us most and unparalleled for us is that “A person cannot be perfect, but a team can be perfect.” We observed it through experience by working on the Mega Project.