If something is broken, Fix it.!
Looking around yourself and finding what needs to be fixed is a great activity. It helps us cleaning as well as fixing everything around us.
As we know cleanliness is of great importance in Islam.!
I was sitting in room while doing this project and looking around what needs to be fixed
When my cupboard caught my attention and I realized there was a huge mess.
I fixed everything in my cupboard and arranged everything properly.
After that I realized that the corner of my room was also a complete mess( after doing a gift overdue activity). It was hard to find anything so I decided to fix it as well.
I was planning to clean up my room after my last exam which is on Monday but due to this project I had to do this now.
After cleaning up the whole mess around me I felt relieved.
I would have done it after finishing my exams anyway but due to #AmalActivity I did it now and this was an amazing experience.
As far as leadership is concerned I think leadership is about small things we do in our lives. Its about taking control of small acts like this to be a leader. We don’t need to wait for a big opportunity to become a leader. We can show leadership by taking responsibility of these daily tasks of our lives.