The Richest Poor Man: Abdul Sattar Edhi.!
“Abdul Sattar Edhi" this name doesn’t need an introduction. We all know he was the founder of Edhi Foundation, which runs the world’s largest volunteer ambulance network, along with various homeless shelters, animal shelters, rehabilitation centres, and orphanages across Pakistan.
Abdul Sattar Edhi saab was always a role model and a greatest inspiration for me. That’s why I was way too excited when I was assigned a task from Amal Academy to do a fund raising campaign for Edhi foundation.
As humanity is a practice , a noble practice... What a human should practice ... As a person can’t get medicine degree without practice in that field , similar to that a person can’t be a *human* without practicing humanity.
While working on this project I realized the struggles he had to face because there were a lot of rejections. But on the other side I felt really calm and peaceful at the same time because I knew that I was doing a positive thing for humanity.
As he always said,
“No religion is higher than humanity”
Here’s what my Circle members have to say about their experience while working on this project.
Aqsa Arif
My experience in fund collection was very substantial. Due to covid-19 I have created an awareness campaign through social media I use WhatsApp. I ask my friends to share the same content on their WhatsApp status or any other platform which is possible for them.
I faced many challenges. Due to online campaign many people don’t have their jazz cash and easy-paisa accounts. So, some of them donate money easily. This was my first experience reaching people through online platform. I felt self-satisfaction by doing this activity. This was not for myself it was for humanitarian activity. I accepted failure by poor response from by this I collect donation.
Ahmed Faraz
My experience in fund collection was very influential. Due to the tight schedule, I have created an
awareness campaign through social media platforms in a persuasive way. I reached 300-400 people
by making a chain. First, I choose some of my twenty close friends who have some social
background and quite a strong contact list, by making them comply to share the same content on
their platforms. It was a challenging and perverse
adventure for me to make people conform to donate. But, while doing this, I realized the tangible
difference between working for yourself and others is not identical. This was my first experience
of reaching people broadly, But I felt self-satisfied while working for this humanitarian cause. At
some point, I was sunk by the poor response But, by obeying Edhi Sahib’s mission, I managed to
collect unusual donations.
Zain UL Haq
My Experience of Collecting donation for Edhi foundation.
I started to collect donation for Edhi foundation and, Yes! I didn’t get the success I was expecting. For this purpose, I did not have the time due to the tight schedule of my daily life to physically participate. That’s why I approached the social media platform WhatsApp.
The response wasn’t encouraging, only those whom I was able to force to do this noble cause were participating and making the chain to spread the message. We were able to collect a little amount of donations. I wasn’t satisfied about the result, but this was a great experience to learn for complaining.
Noor U Saba
It was an excellent experience for me. Although I had a busy routine but I participated in activity.
As it is reality that a coin has two sides... Similarly this world also has two sides, two forms , two types of people; the one who has the spirit to be a human and second who don’t have any interest in others interest So i also faced rejections and bad comments about the fund raising...
In the nutshell, the experience was great ... The one and most important thing is the twist or change I felt in myself...Whole journey was world less... Matchless ...i like his these words, it took my heart:
“I am a beggar for the poor. Serving humanity is the biggest Jihad”
Muneeb Ahmed
“My religion is humanitarianism, which is the basis of every religion in the world”
(Abdul Sattar Edhi)
We can change the world by one random act of kindness.It is necessary to take one first step to do anything. You can’t do anything by sitting and yelling about that thing.
Fund raising campaign for Edhi foundation was really useful.
It was an amazing experience for me to do a work for welfare of mankind and it gave me a piece of mind.
One of the biggest challenges I faced during fundraising was conveying message to the donors.We used posters and charts with different illustrations to catch donor’s attention. At first, we faced denial from a lot of people, but failure was not an option. So, we came up with some new ideas, we simply had to try them out to see if they work or not.
So after sometime we were able to get positive response from people. They generously donated towards Edhi foundation.
Above all I felt really honoured to work for this project.
Faqiha Shafique
I’m unable to find words to describe my experience while working on this noble cause.
It was great, it was incomparable. My Circle collaborated with other circles to work together. We made teams, decided different areas for every team and started our campaigns.We visited 6 areas of Faisalabad.
Overall this experience has been really productive for me. It taught me how to except failure and how to focus on positive things. And I felt really honoured to work for Edhi Saab’s foundation.
We contacted a Business Manager from Tandoori restaurant Fsd. And they gave us a really positive response and donated for Edhi foundation.
Another organization which we contacted is out hostel management. And the Hostel owner agreed to help us in our campaign and donated towards Edhi foundation.
At the end we were able to collect 102,580 funds for Edhi foundation. I want to appreciate my team members who put their precious efforts towards this campaign and with their help we were able to achieve this milestone.
I would like to give a special appreciation to my Circle 2 and also Circle 6, Circle 7, Circle 1, Circle 4 & Circle 3 for their cooperation. You guys are really humble and nice. The credit goes to your efforts.